If you have observed any of the characteristics below, it may be time to seek professional advice for your older loved one.
- Difficulty cooking, eating, or using appliances safely
- Poor mobility
- Trouble grocery shopping
- Difficulty bathing
- Needs help dressing
- Cannot drive or use public transportation safely
- Aggressiveness or abusiveness
- Isolation
- Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities
- Neglected appearance
- Lethargy or apathy
- Significant changes in routine
- Memory lapses
- Impaired thinking
- Impaired communication (written or verbal)
- Unaware of person, place, time
- Inability to account for time
- Recent health problems
- Serious side effects from medication
- Loss of vision or hearing
- Repeated falls
- Neglected hygiene
- Incontinence
- Not paying bills on time
- Unable to account for spending
- Unable to balance a checkbook
- Making large donations uncharacteristically